新木 かよ
1984.1 東京 港区 南麻布生まれ
2006.9 第11回家庭画報大賞【夢のある美しい暮らし】手作り作品部門 ノミネート
2013.1 東京 渋谷 ギャラリーa-cube+にて個展
2016.1 東京 渋谷 ギャラリーa-cube+にて個展'Inspiration'
2019.1 東京 渋谷 ギャラリーa-cube+にて個展'刺繍 de art'
2019.11 New York Jadite Galleryにてグループ展参加
2019.12 松涛美術館公募展 入選
2023.2 東京 渋谷 ギャラリーa-cube+にて個展‘刺繍 de ポップアート’
2023.12 松濤美術館公募展入選
1984.1 Born in Tokyo, Japan
2006.9 Nominated for 11th annual Kateigaho magazine award
in hand craft category
2013.1 The first exhibition at Gallery a-cube plus in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2016.1 Second exhibition ‘Inspiration’ at Gallery a-cube plus
in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2019.1 Third exhibition '刺繍 de art' at Gallery a-cube plus
in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2019.11 Group exhibition at Jadite Gallery in New York
2019.12 She was accepted for 'The Shoto Museum of Art Open-Call Exhibition'
2023.2 Fourth exhibition '刺繍 de Pop art' at Gallery a-cube plus
in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2023.12 She was accepted for 'The Shoto Museum of Art Open-Call Exhibition'